Monday, August 25, 2008

Thank You, Michelle!

Thank you, Michelle, for reminding us what this country has the potential to be. Thank you for holding out hope that the American Dream lives on and is attainable if you are willing to work for your part of it. Thank you for being that voice of hope that change is possible, that we can work to change the status quo and transform America into what we know our country should be.

The problems you talked about tonight are MY problems. *I* could not find a job after the birth of my daughter. *I* am struggling to know where we will be able to afford housing while living on one income. *I* am worried that if my husband changes jobs we will be without health care coverage. *I* am worried how I will afford an excellent education for my daughter, starting with pre-school.

But your mere presence on that stage tonight gives me HOPE. That a woman of color can give the opening speech to the DNC lifts my spirits and reminds me that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE because it has happened before. It was not that long ago that you, a woman and a person of color, would have been the last person to stand on that stage. It renews my faith in America that you delivered this opening address during the week in which we remember the hard won right to vote for women and Rev. Dr. King's "I Have a Dream." Your mere presence on that stage tonight is VICTORY! Thank You, Suffragists! Thank You, Dr. King! Thank You, Michelle Obama!

All my prayers go with your husband that he may win for us, for me and my family, the opportunity for CHANGE!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Like Elephants!

Two posts in one day is almost unheard of for me, but I just found this on youtube and I am so taken by it that I had to share. I recommend watching it in full screen. The animation actually holds up really well.

We Have Graduated...

to TABLE FOOD! Yes that's right folks, Baby ate a whole piece of TOAST for breakfast. No more strained plums and oatmeal for her! Gimme sump 'um I can sink all four uh my teef into!